Psychonaut has its global premiere at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival

Posted on December 17, 2024

Brooklyn, New York, October 23, 2024

"If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere."

Psychonaut, directed by Thijs Meuwese and starring Fiona Dourif (Tenet, Chucky, Dirk Gently), Julia Batelaan (Molly, Kill Mode), Yasmin Blake (Kill Mode), and Lloyd Hamwijk, made its festival premiere on October 23rd, 2024, at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival in Brooklyn, New York. It marked a significant milestone in the project's progress, which was produced under The Dutch Angle Project banner.

In attendance in New York was:

Thijs Meuwese, Director
Jasper Verkaart, Cinematographer
Anneloes van Assesm, Art Director
Stephen Nemchick, 1st Assistant Director
David Grover, Producer


(from right to left: Stephen Nemchick, Anneloes van Assem, Jasper Verkaart, Thijs Meuwese, David Grover)

The screening took place at the iconic Nitehawk Cinema in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. Due to high demand, the screening was moved to the highest-capacity cinema. The mood was electric, and after the screening, Joseph Hernandez from BHFF led a Q&A with Thijs and the crew.

You can watch the trailer here.

The team strived to make something that would stand out in a crowded marketplace, which led to several bold creative decisions:

- female-led science fiction
- Largely filmed in black and white


Reviews have been positive and point to a bright future for the film (click on links for reviews):

Brooklyn Horror 2024 Review: PSYCHONAUT, Love Heals All Wounds

Psychonaut presents a quest for meaning and love that, while crazily out (or in) there, is also all too human.

Mind-bending Sci-Fi

A "Being John Malkovich-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" thing going on

The mostly black-and-white film has stunning gothic imagery, powerful performances, and tender moments.

The film has a charming metaphysical wink halfway through that really elevates it over most of the other psychological thrillers of the current era.


Psychnoaut's festival run continues through 2025. Subscribe to the Falcon Grove newsletter to stay current on upcoming festival screenings in North America and Europe. The producers have begun discussions with distributors, with all rights still available as of the date of this release.


The Dutch Angle Project is a partnership with Monne Tuinhout, Thijs Meuwese, and David Grover.

The Dutch Angle Project
Falcon Grove Productions

Email: info (at)